The MWCC Watershed Fund provides direct support to our community-based Watershed Partners for capacity-building, professional development, and on-the-ground projects. The Watershed Fund increases the capacity of local communities to advance community-based, locally led conservation using the Watershed Approach to conservation by filling critical funding gaps.
To learn more about the MWCC Watershed Fund, click Here. For information about different types of Watershed Fund support, see our Project Support, Capacity Support, Professional Development Support, and Big Sky Watershed Corps Support pages. You may also contact Amy and Kierra at
Currently available funding opportunities are listed below.
Funding Opportunity for BSWC Member-Led Projects
to Reduce and Prevent Nonpoint Source Pollution
2025 Request for Proposals
The MWCC Watershed Fund, in partnership with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), has funding to assist local watershed conservation organizations currently hosting BSWC members with completing nonpoint source pollution-reduction projects. Proposed projects must impact water bodies listed as impaired on Montana’s 2020 List of Impaired Waters (303d list) and included in a DEQ-accepted Watershed Restoration Plan (WRP). (Scroll down to “Watershed Restoration Plans” to find your basin’s WRP on this page.) Projects occurring on or along tributaries of impaired water bodies are also eligible if the proposed project addresses a pollutant listed as an impairment for the downstream water body.
The organization’s current BSWC member must submit the proposal for funding, play a lead role in implementing the project, and complete interim and final project reports (with their host site supervisor's help, of course!). Proposals are due by 5 pm on Monday, March 31, 2025, and funding decisions will be made the week of April 7. Funding agreements are typically finalized by late May, allowing members to begin project work in June. Projects are completed by November 1, 2025. Details on how to apply and the full funding timeline are below.
Up to $8,000 may be awarded to each recipient. A total of $28,000 is available for 2025. A 40% non-federal match in funding is required and that requirement can be met through state, local, and private dollars or through state, local, and private in-kind contributions. To come up with your match requirement, multiply your (total 319 funds requested x .40). This equals your minimum match requirement. Project dollars are awarded on a reimbursement basis, with reimbursement occurring after receipt of interim and final reports in August and November 2025. Projects must be completed by November 1, 2025.
The purpose of this funding is to help local watershed organizations accomplish projects to reduce and prevent nonpoint source pollution (NPS) as outlined in local WRPs. Additional goals of this funding include:
- Supporting projects that align with local watershed priorities
- Measurably improving natural resources
- Increasing local capacity to reduce and prevent NPS
- Providing professional development experience for BSWC members
Who Qualifies?
Watershed conservation organizations that are increasing the capacity of local communities to advance conservation using the Watershed Approach and are hosting a BSWC member in 2025 are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. The organization’s BSWC member must be the one to apply, using their host site organization’s Submittable account. (Application details below.) Qualifying organizations include:
- Watershed groups
- Conservation, irrigation, water quality, and other special districts
- Tribal entities and tribal government agencies
- Non-profits
- Forest collaboratives
Federal agencies, state agencies, individuals, and for-profit entities are not eligible.
Additionally, applying organizations must meet the following criteria:
- Implementing a DEQ-approved WRP with their BSWC member’s help. The BSWC member must be the one to apply for this funding, lead the project, and manage the grant and all reporting.
- Supporting community-based conservation efforts in Montana
- Be registered with the Montana Secretary of State to do business in the state of Montana
- Have the necessary liability insurance, and be in compliance with the Workers Compensation Act
Eligible Projects. Projects must be consistent with a local WRP and must address an impairment identified on Montana’s 2020 List of Impaired Waters.
- Willow planting
- Other riparian vegetation projects
- Livestock fencing projects
- Development of grazing plans
- Maintenance of riparian fencing and/or vegetation
- Browse protection for riparian vegetation
- Low-tech, process-based restoration, including beaver mimicry and/or beaver management
- Off-stream water for livestock
- Other projects that fit the purpose and goals of this funding will be considered
This funding cannot be used for the following:
- Programs for which the main activities are education and outreach. Education and outreach directly related to the project being implemented, such as project tours and videos, may be supported if costs do not exceed 20% of the total funding request.
- Purchase of equipment that is not directly related to the project or that exceeds 20% of the project budget.
- Food
- Administrative costs
- BSWC members' time cannot be covered by this funding or counted as match. However, time spent by host site staff assisting the member with the project may be covered under personnel expenses, and time spent on the project by host site staff and board members may count as match.
What Is Required of BSWC Members Who Receive Funding?
Members who receive funding will be expected to report to MWCC on:
- Project implementation and deliverables
- Total project budget, including the required nonfederal match funding
- Nonfederal cash match may include any funding that does not come from federal government agencies. Nonfederal in-kind match can include volunteer time, host site staff time, board member time, donations of materials or equipment use, etc., as long as these in-kind donations don't come from federal government agencies.
- How the project is building host site capacity and BSWC member skills
- How the member and/or host site plan to use the project in future outreach and communications
- There is no monitoring requirement for funded projects
Projects supported by this funding must secure an agreement between the watershed organization and the landowner on whose property the project is occurring – regardless of whether that landowner is a private individual, organization, or government entity. Landowner agreements shall address operation and maintenance of the project as well as site access for maintenance and post-implementation monitoring. MWCC has sample landowner agreements available to use as templates if your organization does not already have a template that includes these elements. A landowner agreement must be signed by both the watershed organization and landowner before MWCC can finalize grant funding agreements
New this year: Copies of permits and authorizations necessary for project construction and implementation of funded projects must be submitted to MWCC prior to beginning construction.
Projects occurring on private land must also provide a description of the project activities and a description of the specific area that may be affected by the project (land use, habitat type, etc.) This information will be used by DEQ and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine how to reduce or eliminate any potential effects of a project on endangered species.
For projects that address nutrient (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) and sediment pollutants, members who receive funding must provide sufficient information to allow DEQ to estimate pollutant load reductions for the project. MWCC and DEQ will provide a list of information needed from each funded project and will work with the member on this requirement prior to signing a funding agreement.
- Monday, March 31 at 5 pm: Deadline to submit project proposals.
- If you would like to submit a draft project proposal for review and feedback before the final deadline, please do so by Wednesday, March 12 at 5 pm. ***To submit a draft proposal, use the Word version of the Project Support Application Form Questions. Do not submit draft proposals in the online form used for final proposals (details below)***
- Week of April 7: MWCC will notify applicants whether they have been awarded funding.
- April-May
- Funded members and host sites will secure agreements with project landowners.
- MWCC will draft funding agreements and send them to members and host sites.
- DEQ and USFWS will determine how to reduce or eliminate any potential effects of projects on endangered species and share that information with MWCC and members.
- DEQ will determine what information they will need to provide to determine pollutant load reductions for projects that address nutrient (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) and sediment pollutants and share that information with MWCC and members.
- May: MWCC will work with members and host sites to finalize and sign funding agreements.
- June: Project work begins!
- Thursday, August 7: Interim reporting forms due to MWCC
- November 1: Projects complete
- Monday, November 3: Final reporting forms due to MWCC
How to Apply
Submit a project proposal by Monday, March 31, at 5 pm, via the 2025 BSWC Nonpoint Source Project Support Proposal Form.* Optionally, you may also submit a draft proposal, using the Word document attached at the bottom of this page, Wednesday, March 12 at 5 pm, to receive feedback before your final proposal is due.
*The MWCC Watershed Fund uses the online platform Submittable for all our funding. Check to see if your host site organization has an existing Submittable account. If so, please use your host site’s existing Submittable account to apply rather than setting up a new account. To learn more about how to use Submittable, check out this two-minute video.
Proposals must include:
- A project map(s) that clearly shows the location(s) of proposed project activities
- Location coordinates in decimal degrees
- A description of how the project implements Best Management Practices from your local WRP
- A completed spreadsheet of project tasks, deliverables, and timeline for completion, available for download at the bottom of this page and in the Submittable application
- A proposed project budget spreadsheet, including anticipated nonfederal match and explanations of anticipated expenses, available for download at the bottom of this page and in the Submittable application.
- Letters of support from key project partners are optional but strongly encouraged. A lack of letters of support from key partners (especially the owner or manager of the land where you plan to do your project) will likely affect your review score negatively.
Review Criteria
MWCC Watershed Fund Reviewers will review all applications based on the following criteria:
- Proposed project implements recommendations from a local WRP
- Proposed project addresses an impaired water body on Montana’s 2020 list of impaired waters
- Proposed project directly addresses non-point source pollution in the watershed.
- Proposed project provides additional natural resource or conservation benefits.
- Details of project implementation included in project map and in tasks, deliverables, and timeline spreadsheet align with stated project goals for reducing nonpoint source pollution and providing other benefits.
- Project budget is clear and reasonable for the success of the project.
- Project can reasonably be completed by November 1, 2025, taking into consideration the BSWC member’s time, the project location, landowner involvement, member and host site expertise, and other factors.
- Project includes a clear plan for evaluating project effectiveness in meeting the WRP, NPS, and other outcomes.
- Project demonstrates an appropriate level of partner and community engagement
- Project builds the capacity of the host site to implement more NPS projects in the future and/or to meet other WRP goals.
- Role of BSWC member in the project is appropriate for both the project and for the member's professional development.
- Project partners and their roles are clearly defined.
- Partner support demonstrated through letters of support.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions and Tips document for this funding.
Potential applicants are also encouraged to contact MWCC Executive Director, Amy Seaman, with project ideas and questions. Amy will review and provide feedback on draft proposals submitted by Wednesday, March 12 at 5 pm using the Word version of the proposal form questions provided at the bottom of this page. Including a draft budget using the BSWC NPS Project Proposal Budget Template, and a draft version of your Tasks, Deliverables, and Timeline spreadsheet is strongly encouraged.
- The Support Application Questions Form
- BSWC NPS Project Project Proposal Budget Spreadsheet Template
- BSWC Tasks, Deliverables, and Timeline Spreadsheet Template
Contact Executive Director Amy Seaman : (406) 475-1420 |
Brief descriptions of projects supported with this funding in 2024 are available on the Watershed Fund Big Sky Watershed Corps Support page. Scroll down to “BSWC Member Projects Funded.”
The MWCC Watershed Fund has funding to help Montana’s local watershed conservation organizations build their capacity to reduce and prevent nonpoint source (NPS) pollution through professional development opportunities directly related to this work. Funded opportunities must involve training to reduce and prevent NPS pollution in accordance with the Montana Nonpoint Source Management Plan and/or to support implementation of DEQ-accepted Watershed Restoration Plans (WRPs). This funding is provided in partnership with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Read the full 2025 Professional Development Support Funding page for more information.
Local watershed conservation organization personnel, including staff, board members, and Big Sky Watershed Corps (BSWC) members, may use these small grants to attend trainings, conferences, workshops, and other professional development opportunities. Awards of up to $700 may support registration fees, lodging, and travel expenses, but may not cover meals or per diem. $3,000 in total funding is available.
Funding requests must be submitted at least 14 days before the training or event start date.
Funding is available on a rolling basis throughout 2025 until funds are expended. Awards are typically $500 or less, but the Watershed Fund considers financial need and the reality that some of our watershed conservation partners in more remote parts of Montana may have higher travel costs to some events. If more than one person from your organization will be attending the same event, please fill out only one request form covering costs for everyone attending. Funding is disbursed on a reimbursement basis, after the person who attended the event fills out a reimbursement form explaining how the opportunity will help their organization reduce or prevent nonpoint source pollution.
The purpose of this funding is to help local watershed organizations build their capacity to reduce and prevent NPS pollution in accordance with the Montana Nonpoint Source Management Plan. This includes helping personnel acquire skills and knowledge relevant to:
- Reducing and preventing NPS pollution in their watersheds
- Building long-term capacity to implement DEQ-accepted WRPs.
Watershed conservation organizations that are supporting local communities to advance community-based, locally led conservation using the Watershed Approach to conservation are eligible. This includes watershed groups; conservation districts; irrigation districts; water quality districts; non-profits; forest collaboratives; and Tribal government agencies. Federal agencies, state agencies, individuals, and for-profit entities are not eligible.
Funds may support relevant professional development opportunities for watershed organization staff, board members, and BSWC members, but funding may only go directly to the organization, not to individuals.
What is Covered?
Awards may cover registration fees, lodging, and travel costs on a reimbursement basis, including mileage reimbursement at the current state mileage rate ($0.70 for 2025), vehicle rental fees, or alternative transportation. The Watershed Fund does not pay for meal costs or per diem. Award amounts are typically $500 or less, but we consider financial need and the reality that some of our watershed conservation partners in more remote parts of Montana may have higher travel costs to some events..
There is no match requirement for this Professional Development Support, but the Watershed Fund encourages cost-saving measures including seeking event scholarships, carpooling, alternative transportation, and shared lodging.
To receive reimbursement, awardees must fill out a short reimbursement form detailing:
- What skills and knowledge they gained from the professional development opportunity
- How they will apply what they learned to reduce and prevent NPS pollution in their watershed
- How they will apply what they learned to implement their local WRP, if applicable
Those who are awarded funding must provide receipts for registration fees, lodging, and other expenses to be reimbursed under this funding. Documentation of mileage costs is not required.
How to Apply
Submit your funding request via this online Professional Development Support Request form. If more than one person from your organization will be attending the same professional development opportunity, please fill out only one request form for everyone attending, including all anticipated costs.
The documents below are included for your convenience, and for cutting and pasting from if you’d like. Do not use them to apply for professional development support or to request reimbursement. All funding requests must be submitted via this online form. If your request is approved, the MWCC Watershed Fund will send you an electronic reimbursement form.
Word Version of this Funding Request for Proposals
Word Version of Funding Request Form
Word Version of Reimbursement Form
If you are new to Submittable, you can click here to learn more about how to set up a free account and submit a funding request using this platform.
Please contact Executive Director Amy Seaman with any questions // (406) 475-1420